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Fueling the mission of Jesus

Select your church to give.

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Why do we give?

Every believer in Christ has the responsibility to support their local church. Jesus emphasized the importance of giving repeatedly. In fact, He spoke of money more than heaven and hell because money is often a good barometer of what is important in someone’s life.
Everything we have is from Him.
Because of Jesus's goodness and grace, it only makes sense that His followers would respond by sacrificing time, talents, and treasures. Christians are called to give to the local church and live generously with those around them; it is out of obedience to Jesus and for His glory that we seek to be generous in all areas of life.

Please keep in mind that we never ask guests or those who do not call themselves Christians to give financially, although you are welcome to contribute.
"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)

Ways to Give

Give through the LS App!

Secure & convenient.

Download The App
iTunes App Store
Search for "LS Churches"

Google Play
Search for "Living Stones Churches"

Mail a Check

Carson City
Send a check made out to “Living Stones Church” to P.O. Box 3585, Carson City, NV 89702

Downtown Sparks
Send a check made out to "Living Stones Church" to
P.O. Box 351
750 4th St. Sparks, NV 89432

North Valleys
Send a check made out to “Living Stones Church” to P.O. Box 60643, Reno, NV 89506

Send a check made out to “Living Stones Church” to 
445 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89501

South Reno
Send a check made out to “Living Stones Church” to P.O. Box 18492, Reno, NV 89511

Send a check made out to “Living Stones Church” to 300 Los Altos Pkwy. Suite 109 Sparks, NV 89436

Bill Pay

Use your bank’s bill pay system to set up recurring gifts at no extra charge to Living Stones Church or you.

Contact your bank for details.

How Giving is Spent

10% - Mercy & Missions

The first 10% is given away. This includes church planting, overseas missions, and local mercy projects, but doesn’t include staffing for short term mission teams.

60% - LS Staff

This includes salaries and benefits for all Living Stones employees. Staff salaries are determined by an objective outside source, the “Annual Compensation Handbook.”

20% - Facilities & Utilities

This includes rent for the church facilities and all utilities, such as electricity, gas, waste, and parking.

10% - Ministry supplies

This covers supplies for our major ministries - everything from kid's snacks to computers.
*The percentages are estimates, with the exception of our 10% being given away to church planting and missions.

Still have a question about giving?

click here to email us*

*Please include which LS church you attend