We're excited to meet you!
Here's what to expect:
Sunday Gatherings

During our average 80-minute gatherings, you can expect:
• Music
• Prayers
• Bible teaching
• Communion
• Time to meet others & ask questions
• Help getting connected
What to Wear
No formal dress code!
Some worship in a suit,
others in shorts.
Wear what's comfortable for you.

LS Kids

During Sunday gatherings, LS Kids gives your child fun, safe, age-appropriate Bible teaching.
All volunteers are background-checked members of Living Stones Church.
We're excited to meet you!
Here's what to expect:
Sunday Gatherings

During our average 80-minute gatherings, you can expect:
• Music
• Prayers
• Bible teaching
• Communion
• Time to meet others & ask questions
• Help getting connected
What to Wear
No formal dress code!
Some worship in a suit,
others in shorts.
Wear what's comfortable for you.

LS Kids

During Sunday gatherings, LS Kids gives your child fun, safe, age-appropriate Bible teaching.
All volunteers are background-checked members of Living Stones Church.
Upcoming Events
Our Beliefs
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God created human beings, male and female, in His own image. Men and women, equally made in the image of God, enjoy equal access to God by faith in Jesus, and bear God's image in unique and distinct ways. Men and women have received different, complementary roles from God that are to be lived out according to His Word, the Bible.
God created human beings, male and female, in His own image. Men and women, equally made in the image of God, enjoy equal access to God by faith in Jesus, and bear God's image in unique and distinct ways. Men and women have received different, complementary roles from God that are to be lived out according to His Word, the Bible.
We believe that, moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the eternal Son, Jesus, became human: the Word became flesh, truly God and truly human, one Person in two natures, miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary. He perfectly obeyed His heavenly Father, lived a sinless life, performed miraculous signs, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
We believe that, moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the eternal Son, Jesus, became human: the Word became flesh, truly God and truly human, one Person in two natures, miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary. He perfectly obeyed His heavenly Father, lived a sinless life, performed miraculous signs, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
In the natural world, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and in the verbally-inspired, inerrant, and authoritative 66 books of the Bible, God has clearly revealed Himself to humanity.
In the natural world, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and in the verbally-inspired, inerrant, and authoritative 66 books of the Bible, God has clearly revealed Himself to humanity.
Humanity's first representative, Adam, fell into sin through the devil's temptation, bringing alienation from God and total corruption to every aspect of every human being (our bodies, minds, wills, emotions, and souls) since this initial sin.
Humanity's first representative, Adam, fell into sin through the devil's temptation, bringing alienation from God and total corruption to every aspect of every human being (our bodies, minds, wills, emotions, and souls) since this initial sin.
By His sacrifice, Jesus bore in our place the punishment due to us for our sins, making a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God's justice for us. By His perfect obedience He satisfied the just demands of God for us, since by faith alone that perfect obedience is credited by grace alone to all who trust in Christ alone for salvation.
By His sacrifice, Jesus bore in our place the punishment due to us for our sins, making a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God's justice for us. By His perfect obedience He satisfied the just demands of God for us, since by faith alone that perfect obedience is credited by grace alone to all who trust in Christ alone for salvation.
We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ with His holy angels, when He will judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will be consummated.
We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ with His holy angels, when He will judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will be consummated.
The Gospel is the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God and Mediator of the covenant of grace, who justifies, sanctifies, and adopts His people through faith alone to the hope of eternal life with God in the physical new creation. The good news is: biblical (Jesus' death and resurrection are according to the Scriptures), theological and salvific (Jesus died for our sins, to reconcile us to God), historical (if the saving events did not actually happen, our faith is worthless), apostolic (the message was entrusted to and transmitted by the apostles, who were witnesses of these saving events), and personal.
The Gospel is the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God and Mediator of the covenant of grace, who justifies, sanctifies, and adopts His people through faith alone to the hope of eternal life with God in the physical new creation. The good news is: biblical (Jesus' death and resurrection are according to the Scriptures), theological and salvific (Jesus died for our sins, to reconcile us to God), historical (if the saving events did not actually happen, our faith is worthless), apostolic (the message was entrusted to and transmitted by the apostles, who were witnesses of these saving events), and personal.
He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and by His powerful and mysterious work regenerates spiritually dead sinners, awakening them to repentance and faith, baptizing them into union with the Lord Jesus, and justifying them before God.
He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and by His powerful and mysterious work regenerates spiritually dead sinners, awakening them to repentance and faith, baptizing them into union with the Lord Jesus, and justifying them before God.
Core Values
Our Beliefs
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe in one God, eternally existing in three equally divine Persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
God created human beings, male and female, in His own image. Men and women, equally made in the image of God, enjoy equal access to God by faith in Jesus, and bear God's image in unique and distinct ways. Men and women have received different, complementary roles from God that are to be lived out according to His Word, the Bible.
God created human beings, male and female, in His own image. Men and women, equally made in the image of God, enjoy equal access to God by faith in Jesus, and bear God's image in unique and distinct ways. Men and women have received different, complementary roles from God that are to be lived out according to His Word, the Bible.
We believe that, moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the eternal Son, Jesus, became human: the Word became flesh, truly God and truly human, one Person in two natures, miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary. He perfectly obeyed His heavenly Father, lived a sinless life, performed miraculous signs, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
We believe that, moved by love and in obedience to his Father, the eternal Son, Jesus, became human: the Word became flesh, truly God and truly human, one Person in two natures, miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary. He perfectly obeyed His heavenly Father, lived a sinless life, performed miraculous signs, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
In the natural world, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and in the verbally-inspired, inerrant, and authoritative 66 books of the Bible, God has clearly revealed Himself to humanity.
In the natural world, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and in the verbally-inspired, inerrant, and authoritative 66 books of the Bible, God has clearly revealed Himself to humanity.
Humanity's first representative, Adam, fell into sin through the devil's temptation, bringing alienation from God and total corruption to every aspect of every human being (our bodies, minds, wills, emotions, and souls) since this initial sin.
Humanity's first representative, Adam, fell into sin through the devil's temptation, bringing alienation from God and total corruption to every aspect of every human being (our bodies, minds, wills, emotions, and souls) since this initial sin.
By His sacrifice, Jesus bore in our place the punishment due to us for our sins, making a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God's justice for us. By His perfect obedience He satisfied the just demands of God for us, since by faith alone that perfect obedience is credited by grace alone to all who trust in Christ alone for salvation.
By His sacrifice, Jesus bore in our place the punishment due to us for our sins, making a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God's justice for us. By His perfect obedience He satisfied the just demands of God for us, since by faith alone that perfect obedience is credited by grace alone to all who trust in Christ alone for salvation.
We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ with His holy angels, when He will judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will be consummated.
We believe in the personal, glorious, and bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ with His holy angels, when He will judge the living and the dead and His kingdom will be consummated.
The Gospel is the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God and Mediator of the covenant of grace, who justifies, sanctifies, and adopts His people through faith alone to the hope of eternal life with God in the physical new creation. The good news is: biblical (Jesus' death and resurrection are according to the Scriptures), theological and salvific (Jesus died for our sins, to reconcile us to God), historical (if the saving events did not actually happen, our faith is worthless), apostolic (the message was entrusted to and transmitted by the apostles, who were witnesses of these saving events), and personal.
The Gospel is the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God and Mediator of the covenant of grace, who justifies, sanctifies, and adopts His people through faith alone to the hope of eternal life with God in the physical new creation. The good news is: biblical (Jesus' death and resurrection are according to the Scriptures), theological and salvific (Jesus died for our sins, to reconcile us to God), historical (if the saving events did not actually happen, our faith is worthless), apostolic (the message was entrusted to and transmitted by the apostles, who were witnesses of these saving events), and personal.
He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and by His powerful and mysterious work regenerates spiritually dead sinners, awakening them to repentance and faith, baptizing them into union with the Lord Jesus, and justifying them before God.
He convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, and by His powerful and mysterious work regenerates spiritually dead sinners, awakening them to repentance and faith, baptizing them into union with the Lord Jesus, and justifying them before God.
Core Values
Like Jesus, Living Stones does everything possible to make outsiders insiders in the Kingdom of God. No one should be blocked from the gospel and the opportunity to be reconciled to God.
Disciples are people who follow Jesus, find their identity in Him, and enjoy relationship with God. Part of following Jesus means we invest our whole life to help others grow spiritually as they learn to know, love, and follow Him too.

In the City,
for the City
- Physically - by caring for physical needs of the hurting and underprivileged in our city.
- Culturally - by participating in and shaping all that is good in the culture of our city.
- Spiritually - by praying for and guiding people toward the freedom and fulfillment that can only be found in Jesus through the proclamation of His gospel.
Unity in Diversity
The church of God is to be a house of prayer and worship for all peoples and ethnicities. This is the heart of God and will be fully displayed around His throne in heaven. We long to see integrated racial diversity in every level and function of our churches so we can display Jesus’ Kingdom on earth.

Church planting is the most effective way to see people come to Christ. We are constantly seeking to raise up new leaders and send out more church plants. We invest 10% of our money every year into church planting throughout the United States and the world.
Leadership Team

Grant Miller
Lead Pastor
Kyle Anderson
Pastor / Worship Leader
Shana Murdock
Administrative & Finance Director

Leslie Axe
Hospitality Team Leader

Trent Hanninen
Building & Maintenance Team Leader

Renee Miller
LS Kids Director

Julia Maestrejuan
Connect Team Leader

Shayna Haas
Art Team Leader

Anthony Danciu
Production Team Leader
Leadership Team

Kyle Anderson
Pastor / Worship Leader
Grant Miller
Lead Pastor

Leslie Axe
Hospitality Team Leader

Trent Hanninen
Building & Maintenance Team Leader

Anthony Danciu

Shana Murdock
Administrative & Finance Director

Renee Miller
LS Kids Director

Julia Maestrejuan
Office Hours
By appointment only
Sundays: 8:00am -12:30pm
Sundays: 8:00am -12:30pm
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
403 Hanson Street
Winnemucca, NV 89445
403 Hanson Street
Winnemucca, NV 89445
General Inquiries:
@ lswinnemucca
@ living_stones_winnemucca
Sundays @ 10am
403 Hanson Street
403 Hanson Street