join us for

Christ-centered theological formation to promote disciple-making multiplication.

This program offers in-depth theological study in a relational environment to help you fulfill the calling of leadership that God has on your life.

The Program

The program requires 1-year commitments and is intended to be completed in three years.
  • Year one - Systematic Theology
  • Year two - Church History
  • Year three - Biblical Theology (OT/NT survey)

Each year is divided into Spring and Fall Semesters and takes a break for the Winter and Summer. Semesters are 12-14 weeks long.

Workload & Meeting Expectations

During The Semester:
  • 1-Year Bible reading plan - As a group, we will commit to doing the same Bible reading plan together (1 year entire Bible). Theological knowledge means nothing if you are not “letting the word of Christ dwell in you richly” (Colossians 3:16)
  • Weekly Theological Reading (~50pgs) and Comprehension Quiz (10 multiple choice questions) - the goal of this is to shape our understanding of how we read the Bible. By reading other books we learn how to think critically. The quizzes increase reading accountability.
  • 7 in-person gatherings (2hrs) over a meal together - We will dialogue about the material and engage specific theological topics (one teaching per gathering). The last gathering will be an end of semester celebration and Capstone presentation.
  • 1 mid-term comprehension paper (1000-1200 words). Writing forces us to really engage the material and know it in a way that we can personalize it and clearly communicate it to others.
  • 1 Capstone Application Project - This will be a paper or creative project that challenges you to put your theology into practice.

Who Is Invited

This is for Living Stones leaders that have demonstrated faithfulness and want to grow as theologians.
  • You must already be a fully engaged Covenant Member in good standing.
  • You must meet the character qualifications of a Deacon in 1 Timothy 3.
  • You must already be leading people.
  • You must be giving 10% to the church.


$100/Semester - all the money goes toward the food provided for in-person gatherings.

2024  Fall Calendar - Systematic Theology  1

All in person gatherings will be Sundays 1-3pm over lunch at the church.

8/15 - Commitment Deadline

9/15 - Semester readings/weekly quizzes begin.
9/22 - In-person. Topic: God’s word and the point of theology

10/6 - In-person. Topic: God’s attributes
10/20 - In-person. Topic: Trinity
10/27 - In-person. Topic: Imago Dei

11/10 - In-person. Topic: Sin
11/24 - In-person. Topic: Angels/Demons

12/8 - End of semester celebration and capstone presentations.