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Worship Director Application
Please click here to read the Job Description first.
First Name
Last Name
General Questions
If you are married, list the name of your spouse and how long you've been married. If you have children, list each of them and indicate their ages.
Briefly describe why you want to apply for this position and why you think you would be a good fit.
Questions About Musical Worship
What is the role of musical worship in the life of the believer?
What makes a good worship leader?
What is the role of muscial worship in reaching the lost?
How would you describe your worship style?
List your top five worship songs and briefly describe why you like each one. (Include the name of the artist.)
When you lead musical worship, which artists are you most drawn to play songs from? Why?
What instruments do you play?
Do you sing as a lead vocalist?
When selecting a song catalog? What are you looking for? What makes a great worship song?
What is the purpose of a Sunday worship gathering?
Briefly list the elements that make a good Sunday worship gathering and how they should be ordered to best cultivate worship.
Are you familiar with the word "liturgy"? If so, how would you describe it?
Questions about Doctrine and the Bible
What is the Bible?
What is the Bible about? What is its purpose?
Have you ever read the Bible cover to cover?
Yes, at least once in the last 3 years.
Not yet, still working on it.
Yes, but it was a long time ago.
No, but I like to read the books I understand.
Who is Jesus?
What is the gospel?
List 5 of your favorite preachers and why you like each one.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
Do you believe that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit (tongues, visions, prophecies, miracles, healing) are still active in the church today? Explain your reasoning. If your answer is yes, how should they be practiced?
When it comes to relationships with unbelievers, Christians should (Check the box that best describes your position)
Separate themselves from them to remain holy.
See no distinction because everyone is the same.
Be different but still pursue them with love and the gospel.
Briefly describe what it means to live on mission.
Briefly describe your view on gender.
Briefly describe your view on sexuality. Are their any expectations regarding the practice of sex for followers of Christ?
What is salvation? How do we get it? What are we saved from?
Briefly describe your view on predestination and election.
How would you describe your view about the roles of men and women in leadership in the church and the home? Are there any differences in expectations or restrictions? Explain.