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South Reno
Missions Outreach Groups

Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” John 20:21

Widows & Orphans

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:37

Today we have four serving opportunities in Reno helping the most vulnerable children and families in our community with Foster The City, Pathfinders, and Women & Children’s Center of the Sierra.

Poor & Needy

"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and filled,' without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?" James 2:15-17

Caring for the poor and needy we have the Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission and others will be coming soon. These are all ministries and or non-profit organizations that Living Stones has been serving for years.

Ends of the Earth

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Living Stones members have been actively involved in short-term mission for decades in Mexico building churches, houses for homeless families, and training pastors and church planters. We partner with global ministries who provide fresh water for those who have none, train pastors, care for widows and orphans, and have planted hundreds of churches in India.

South Reno
Missions Outreach Groups

Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” John 20:21

Widows & Orphans

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” Mark 9:37

Today we have four serving opportunities in Reno helping the most vulnerable children and families in our community with Foster The City, Pathfinders, and Women & Children’s Center of the Sierra.

Poor & Needy

"If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and filled,' without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?" James 2:15-17

Caring for the poor and needy we have the Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission and others will be coming soon. These are all ministries and or non-profit organizations that Living Stones has been serving for years.

Ends of the Earth

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8

Living Stones members have been actively involved in short-term mission for decades in Mexico building churches, houses for homeless families, and training pastors and church planters. We partner with global ministries who provide fresh water for those who have none, train pastors, care for widows and orphans, and have planted hundreds of churches in India.

Widows & Orphans

Foster the City

A coalition of churches providing loving homes for children in foster care.

“Throughout history, Christians at their best have been known as those who defend the cause of the fatherless.” Our vision is a church for every child. Every child in foster care has a name and a story, and every story matters to God. Due to a shortage of foster homes across the country, children in the foster care system are often placed outside of their community, moved around multiple times and are vulnerable to society’s most pressing issues. If even a fraction of churches raises up one Foster Family with a team of Support Friends, there will be more than enough loving homes to meet the need.

Widows & Orphans

Foster the City

A coalition of churches providing loving homes for children in foster care.

“Throughout history, Christians at their best have been known as those who defend the cause of the fatherless.” Our vision is a church for every child. Every child in foster care has a name and a story, and every story matters to God. Due to a shortage of foster homes across the country, children in the foster care system are often placed outside of their community, moved around multiple times and are vulnerable to society’s most pressing issues. If even a fraction of churches raises up one Foster Family with a team of Support Friends, there will be more than enough loving homes to meet the need.


Breaking the cycle of generational poverty in Northern Nevada one child at a time.

Reaching Forgotten Children - society calls them "Children in Transition", "At Risk Youth" and "Throw Away Kids". Jesus calls them precious and loved. There are more than 5,000 children and youth in Northern Nevada who are homeless or living in motels, shelters, and trailers. These children are trapped in a cycle and culture of poverty that is extremely difficult to escape. We believe that no child should be condemned to a life of hopelessness and lack of opportunity because of the circumstances into which they were born. We are on a mission to see that each and every child has a hope and a future.

Women & Children's Center of the Sierra

Empowering women to rise out of poverty.

The Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra (WACCS) works to support women as they work to escape poverty and improve their lives and the lives of their children. We work with each woman as she walks her path striving to fulfill her goals and dreams. WACCS offers a wide variety of client-advised services. These include educational and life skills classes; a diaper bank which distributes between 9,000 – 11,000 diapers monthly; basic needs provision including food, hygiene, and cleaning supplies; an open computer lab; goal setting and job search help; domestic violence assistance; information and referral services; and so much more. Services are tailored to individual clients’ needs, and all services are free.


Breaking the cycle of generational poverty in Northern Nevada one child at a time.

Reaching Forgotten Children - society calls them "Children in Transition", "At Risk Youth" and "Throw Away Kids". Jesus calls them precious and loved. There are more than 5,000 children and youth in Northern Nevada who are homeless or living in motels, shelters, and trailers. These children are trapped in a cycle and culture of poverty that is extremely difficult to escape. We believe that no child should be condemned to a life of hopelessness and lack of opportunity because of the circumstances into which they were born. We are on a mission to see that each and every child has a hope and a future.

Women & Children's Center of the Sierra

Empowering women to rise out of poverty.

The Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra (WACCS) works to support women as they work to escape poverty and improve their lives and the lives of their children. We work with each woman as she walks her path striving to fulfill her goals and dreams. WACCS offers a wide variety of client-advised services. These include educational and life skills classes; a diaper bank which distributes between 9,000 – 11,000 diapers monthly; basic needs provision including food, hygiene, and cleaning supplies; an open computer lab; goal setting and job search help; domestic violence assistance; information and referral services; and so much more. Services are tailored to individual clients’ needs, and all services are free.

Poor & Needy

Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission

Offering life recovery, substance rehabilitation, and hope
for the broken and hurting in our community.

“The Biggest Little City” has a big problem. Across Northern Nevada, there are more than 1,000 men, women, and children without a home; and homeless families mean homeless children. Dozens of kids are getting by on one meal or less per day and some sleep outside every night. More than 1 in 7 in Northern Nevada live below the poverty line and about 63,000 people regularly go hungry. Thousands of people are struggling with addiction. There is a lot of hurt on our streets, but we’re here to help.
We help the hurting and homeless with meals, shelter, addiction recovery, and hope. We don’t just plop some food on a plate or hand someone a blanket - we love on them. We seek out those who are struggling with life to encourage them, to help them, and above all to love them. But we can’t do it alone… We need you.

Poor & Needy

Reno-Sparks Gospel Mission

Offering life recovery, substance rehabilitation, and hope
for the broken and hurting in our community.

“The Biggest Little City” has a big problem. Across Northern Nevada, there are more than 1,000 men, women, and children without a home; and homeless families mean homeless children. Dozens of kids are getting by on one meal or less per day and some sleep outside every night. More than 1 in 7 in Northern Nevada live below the poverty line and about 63,000 people regularly go hungry. Thousands of people are struggling with addiction. There is a lot of hurt on our streets, but we’re here to help.
We help the hurting and homeless with meals, shelter, addiction recovery, and hope. We don’t just plop some food on a plate or hand someone a blanket - we love on them. We seek out those who are struggling with life to encourage them, to help them, and above all to love them. But we can’t do it alone… We need you.

Ends of the Earth

Vision Nationals

We train nationals and care for orphans and widows throughout Asia.

We train nationals through Master’s College of Theology, our fully accredited Seminary, we are training up the next generation of Indians to reach the educated urban population. We are transforming lives through the Master’s Home for Children provides for the spiritual, physical, emotional and educational needs of over 140 children. Some of our children come from very poor families and some are orphans. Master’s School is a Christian school we run to educate the children in our Home. We are restoring joy with our widows ministry that provides more than 25 women with medical care and basic needs. Life Clinics are held in slum areas around the city as well as on campus to provide medical care and medicines to those who could otherwise not afford them.

Agua Viva Ministries

Agua Viva exists to reach Mexico for Christ.

Chuy Dávalos, the founder of Agua Viva Ministries, had a passion for the lost people of Mexico and today we accomplish his vision with four aspects of ministry: We work with U.S. and Canadian partners to share Christ’s love to the people of Ensenada, Mexico. We have two Bible schools to provide pastoral, theological, and practical ministry training to Mexican Christians. We maintain a camping facility in Ensenada, Mexico where Mexican churches hold retreats, seminars, and other events at an affordable rate. We support missionaries throughout Mexico with the goal of planting churches in unreached areas.

Ends of the Earth

YUGO Ministries

Our mission is to mobilize and equip God’s people to reach the forgotten.

Change the life of a local Mexican family and demonstrate God’s love to them by constructing a home in just 4 days! These homes require no experience and no tools, plus, they can be built from the ground up for around $7,500 US Dollars. We have several different house designs to choose from depending on the needs of the family you'll be serving.

Agua Viva Ministries

Agua Viva exists to reach Mexico for Christ.

Chuy Dávalos, the founder of Agua Viva Ministries, had a passion for the lost people of Mexico and today we accomplish his vision with four aspects of ministry: We work with U.S. and Canadian partners to share Christ’s love to the people of Ensenada, Mexico. We have two Bible schools to provide pastoral, theological, and practical ministry training to Mexican Christians. We maintain a camping facility in Ensenada, Mexico where Mexican churches hold retreats, seminars, and other events at an affordable rate. We support missionaries throughout Mexico with the goal of planting churches in unreached areas.

Vision Nationals

We train nationals and care for orphans and widows throughout Asia.

We train nationals through Master’s College of Theology, our fully accredited Seminary, we are training up the next generation of Indians to reach the educated urban population. We are transforming lives through the Master’s Home for Children provides for the spiritual, physical, emotional and educational needs of over 140 children. Some of our children come from very poor families and some are orphans. Master’s School is a Christian school we run to educate the children in our Home. We are restoring joy with our widows ministry that provides more than 25 women with medical care and basic needs. Life Clinics are held in slum areas around the city as well as on campus to provide medical care and medicines to those who could otherwise not afford them.