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South Reno Serving Teams

If you call Living Stones your home church and you’re not on a serving team, we need you to make it possible!
Now is your time to help - Let’s live for Jesus who died for the church, us! Test out a serving team and find your fit and make an eternal difference in the world.
"(Jesus) died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised." -2 Corinthians 5:15

Connection Team

Because God created us for community, our deepest human desire is to belong. The Connection team fulfills this desire by connecting the people of the church to serving teams, community groups, classes, events, and more.

By fulfilling this need, the Connection team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating two of its core tenets: Disciples Making Disciples & Outsiders Becoming Insiders.

Time commitment: About 90 minutes in addition to attending a worship gathering.

Enrichment Team

Because the church is scattered throughout our city throughout the week, living in the midst of the world, we have a deep need to be reminded and realigned to the truth of the gospel during our Sunday worship gatherings. The Enrichment team fulfills this need by preparing communion for the church. Through this critical rhythms, Jesus-followers are united in Christ and realigned with the gospel week after week and skeptics are invited in to see the gospel at work.

By fulfilling this need, the Enrichment team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating two of its core tenets: Disciples Making Disciples & Unity in Diversity.

Time commitment: About 60 minutes on Tuesday evening for preparation, and about 30 minutes on Sunday for cleanup.

First Impressions Team

According to church leadership experts, first-time guests to a church decide whether or not they will return within 7 minutes of pulling into the parking lot. For many of our guests this means that no part of our Sunday worship service will make it into their consideration. Because of this, our guests have an unconscious need for the church to put its “best foot forward”, to convince them that we are thrilled to have them as our guest, and to show that we are not intrinsically focused, but that we care for the community around us. The First Impressions team fulfills this need by providing first class hospitality, especially to the church’s first-time guests.

By fulfilling this need, the First Impressions team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating two of its core tenets: Outsiders Becoming Insiders & In the City, For the City.

Time commitment: About 90 minutes in addition to attending a worship gathering.

LS Kids and Students

According to Barna Research, half of all children who grow up in a typical church setting leave the church after high school. Our children need to be taught the truth of the gospel and shown how to follow Jesus in a way that sticks with them! The LS Kids and LS Students teams fulfill this need by providing engaging, age-appropriate, gospel-centered lessons for children from infancy through high school. Whether you are able to teach or you simply have a passion to help make little disciples, there is no greater opportunity to make a meaningful impact than to serve in LS Kids or LS Students.

By fulfilling this need, the LS Kids and LS Students teams enable the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating two of its core tenets: Outsiders Becoming Insiders & Disciples Making Disciples.

Time commitment: About one hour and 45 minutes per Sunday gathering for LS Kids; about 2 hours and 30 minutes every other Sunday evening for LS Students.

Prayer team

The ministry of the church is ultimately carried out by God, yet he has designed the power of ministry to be facilitated through prayer, through which he has given the church the privilege to participate. The Prayer team fulfills this need by organizing and facilitating prayer.

By fulfilling this need, the Prayer team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating three of its core tenets: Outsiders Becoming Insiders, Disciples Making Disciples, & In the City, For the City.

Time commitment: About 60 minutes in addition to attending a Sunday worship gathering; varies throughout the week based on prayer request volume.

Coffee Team

Every Sunday morning, we want people to feel at home when they visit LS South Reno. Just like if someone were coming over to our house to spend time with us, we offer hot, fresh, delicious coffee as a tangible example and reminder that we thought about them, care about them, and are excited to be together.

Our coffee team arrives early to make sure this is ready for our volunteers, church family, and guests before they arrive as well as cleaning up when services are over.

Time commitment: About 90 minutes per Sunday once per month

Safety Team

We are best able to focus on worshiping God together when we feel safe and secure, and we are best able to welcome guests into a safe and secure environment. The Safety team fulfills this need by providing a safe place for all people to investigate and worship alongside one another.

By fulfilling this need, the Safety team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating three of its core tenets: Outsiders Becoming Insiders, Disciples Making Disciples, & Unity In Diversity.

Those with experience related to law enforcement or with training related to conflict resolution and de-escalation are an excellent addition to this team.

Time commitment: About 2 hours and 45 minutes per shift.

Worship Team

There is no more powerful tool to unify people around a memorable message than music. The worship team fulfills this need by leading the church in music that is singable, memorable, and rich in sound doctrine.

By fulfilling this need, the Worship team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating three of its core tenets: Outsiders Becoming Insiders, Disciples Making Disciples, & Unity In Diversity.

Those with experience related to musical performance will make an excellent addition to this team.

Time commitment: Six hours for Sunday gatherings plus 90 minutes of rehearsal time on Tuesday evenings and varied personal practice time during the week.

Tech Team

We are better able to focus on worshiping God together when our environment accommodates our senses well and distractions are minimized. The Tech team fulfills this need by providing a high quality presentation of the gospel by supporting stage communicators and musicians with audio, video, and lighting technology.

By fulfilling this need, the Tech team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating two of its core tenets: Outsiders Becoming Insiders & Disciples Making Disciples.

Those with experience related to audio, video, and lighting applications or with computer or networking expertise will make an excellent addition to this team.

Time commitment: Depends on role; up to six hours for Sunday gatherings plus 90 minutes of rehearsal time on Thursday evenings.

Breakfast Team

Serving in the local church is a critical component of discipleship in the life of the Jesus-follower, yet serving on a Sunday morning can present logistical challenges for many people that will prevent them from serving at all. The Breakfast team fulfills this need by removing a simple barrier to serving by providing a Sunday morning meal for serving team members.

By fulfilling this need, the Breakfast team enables the critical mission of the church by supporting and facilitating one of its core tenets: Disciples Making Disciples.

Time commitment: Varied food preparation time plus dropoff and setup on Sunday morning.