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All your searching ends here.

Piedras Vivas

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Living Stones Church is a community where people have found everything they need in Jesus.

We're here to help you do the same.
Living Stones Church is a community where people have found everything they need in Jesus.

We're here to help you do the same.

We're excited to meet you!

Here's what to expect:

Our Gatherings

During our average 80-minute gatherings, you can expect:
• Music
• Prayers
• Bible teaching
• Communion
• Time to meet others & ask questions
• Help getting connected

Where to Park

Ample parking is available in front of our building.

What to Wear

No formal dress code!
Some worship in a suit, others in shorts.

Wear what's comfortable for you.

LS Kids

During Sunday gatherings, LS Kids gives your child fun, safe, age-appropriate Bible teaching.

All volunteers are background-checked members of Living Stones Church.

We're excited to meet you!

Here's what to expect:

Sunday Gatherings

During our average 80-minute gatherings, you can expect:
• Music
• Prayers
• Bible teaching
• Communion
• Time to meet others & ask questions
• Help getting connected

Where to Park

Ample parking is available in front of the building.

What to Wear

No formal dress code!
Some worship in a suit, others in shorts.

Wear what's comfortable for you.

LS Kids

During Sunday gatherings, LS Kids gives your child fun, safe, age-appropriate Bible teaching.

All volunteers are background-checked members of Living Stones Church.

Upcoming Events

Our Beliefs

Core Values


Like Jesus, Living Stones does everything possible to make outsiders insiders in the Kingdom of God. No one should be blocked from the gospel and the opportunity to be reconciled to God.


Disciples are people who follow Jesus, find their identity in Him, and enjoy relationship with God. Part of following Jesus means we invest our whole life to help others grow spiritually as they learn to know, love, and follow Him too.

In the City,
for the City

  • Physically - by caring for physical needs of the hurting and underprivileged in our city.
  • Culturally - by participating in and shaping all that is good in the culture of our city.
  • Spiritually - by praying for and guiding people toward the freedom and fulfillment that can only be found in Jesus through the proclamation of His gospel.

Unity in Diversity

The church of God is to be a house of prayer and worship for all peoples and ethnicities. This is the heart of God and will be fully displayed around His throne in heaven. We long to see integrated racial diversity in every level and function of our churches so we can display Jesus’ Kingdom on earth.


Church planting is the most effective way to see people come to Christ. We are constantly seeking to raise up new leaders and send out more church plants. We invest 10% of our money every year into church planting throughout the United States and the world.

Our Team




Our Team

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Meeting Times
Meeting Location