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Find a Community Group

A Community Group is a gathering of 5-15 people who meet in different places around the city to study the Bible, do life together, and help one another grow in their faith.

Men's Groups

Par T.

Tuesdays | 7 pm | Caughlin Ranch
Whether you are a Christian, a skeptic, or someone who feels broken and distant from God, you are welcome in our Men's Group.

University | Preston

Sunday | 6pm | UNR Apartments
We are a group of young men (18-20's) who are seeking adventures and seeking out what it looks like to be a man of God.  We currently meet on Sunday evenings and are discussing topics surrounding manhood and what it looks like to live fully in Jesus Christ.

Cory B. & Jaime T.

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Idlewild
We are a men's group in all different stages of life who love to study the Word and have fellowship nights together! 

Nathan H.

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Northwest
Details Coming Soon

Bruce W.

Wednesday | 6:30pm | Midtown
Mens group for guys of all ages and all walks of life.

Randon N.

Thursday | 6:30pm | LS Reno
Growing men to be more like Jesus through study and fellowship with one another.

Steve R.

Friday | 6am | Midtown
We're a small group of guys who love Jesus, and have a genuine desire to get to know him better.
Work schedules and kids sports make evening groups difficult, so we meet early in the morning every other Friday. We grab coffee, catch up briefly and then jump into the Word.

Coed Groups


Sunday | 2pm | Verdi
Verdi families that want to build relationship with God and one another.


We are a group of young adults (18-20s) both men and women, who meet at the University of Nevada Campus. Once a month we have a fellowship night, and plan something fun. Whether you're investigating faith or you've been a christian your whole life, you are more than welcome to join us in community as we learn about Jesus Christ and make lasting friendships.

Matt & Christa E.

Mondays | 6pm | Northwest
We are a group of single and married people in our 20's and 30's, who study the Word together, encourage one another, and walk alongside each other. We have a hybrid meeting style. We always have snacks and drinks, and we occasionally share a pot-luck meal.

Mike & Kate S.

Mondays | 6pm | Northwest
We want to focus on building up those new to the faith, young adults pursuing their own faith journey, and couples who have been married for less than five years. We find joy in doing deep work to develop foundational beliefs and strengthen relationships that transfer into leadership. Group temporarily closed


Tuesday | 6pm
Details coming soon

Andrew & Tori P.

Tuesdays | 6:30pm 
We are a new coed group of men and women in their 20's and 30's, but we're open to everyone! We share a meal together at 6:30pm and start study at 7pm.

Mark & Kristen O.

Tuesdays | 6pm | Mayberry
We are a coed group of men and women in their 20's and 30's, but we're open to everyone! We eat at 6pm, study at 7pm and wrap up at 8pm.
Temporarily Closed

Heath & Nicole S. 

Tuesdays | 7:30pm | Northwest
We are a coed group made up of both single and married people in their 20's and 30's. We have a hybrid meeting style. We meet twice a month together, once a month all ladies and once a month all guys. We have a large puppy.

Timmy & SeaAnna S.

Tuesdays | 6pm | Northwest Reno
We are group made up of mostly young families, but all are welcome! We love to dive into the Bible, have fellowship, eat snacks, and play games. Join us!


Wednesday | 6:30pm | Mayberry
Young families that share a meal together every week. We have a hybrid style and the men and women take turns watching the children.

 Piedras Vivas

Thursdays | 7pm | LS Church
Grupo de Comunidad de español con guardería. Somos un grupo que sigue el estudio de discipulado de Living Stones en español. Todos son bienvenidos a nuestro Grupo de Comunidad construyamos juntos el momentum en la comunidad latina para que todos encuentren todo en Cristo.

Jake & Ashley W.

Thursdays | 7pm | Northwest
A mix of married couples and single individuals, ranging from 20’s to early 30’s. We meet coed twice a month, just ladies once a month and just men once a month.

Colin & Chelsea K.

Thursdays | 6:00pm | Arlington
30-40 year olds, married couples and singles who are willing to be vulnerable in the Word and enjoy the gift of community through meals and laughter. We do have childcare during group for $10 a family. 
Temporarily Closed

Wally & Susan M.

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | Somerset
Type your new text here.

Sean & Lisa H.

Wednesday | 6:15pm | Mayberry
Couples and singles who love Jesus and His word. Currently there are no kids in group, but they're welcome! We have a themed potluck meal together every week.

Ladies Groups

Erin M.

Thursday | 7:45pm | UNR @ the Joe
We are a group of ladies in college that meet on the UNR campus. We are seeking to bring the gospel to campus. We meet on the second floor of the Student Union.

Deb B. & Abbie S.

Tuesdays | 6:30pm | North
We are a group of women that goes through life together, strengthens faith through accountability, and welcomes new ladies into group. Once a month we dedicate the night to hearing someone's testimony, praying for them and understanding their story at a deeper level.

Lauren D.

Wednesdays | 6am | Skyline
We are a fun group of women of all walks of life, coming together to pursue a life well lived under the authority and commitment to God's word through fellowship with Christ and one another. We have a fellowship night together once a quarter.

Erin H.

Thursdays | 9:45am | Midtown
This group is filled with imperfect women who want to know Jesus more and be in meaningful relationship with other women. All are welcome and wanted, but we are currently a group of young moms.

Raphi C. & Jill T.

Mondays | 6:30pm | Midtown
30-40's single and married women. We meet early several times a month to share a meal together before group.
Temporarily Closed

Fran R. & Julie C.

Thursday | 6:30pm | Northwest
A group of women in all life stages sharing in life together. Focused on understanding the Bible while growing in our faith, as well as, caring for one another through life's ups and downs. 

Angel N.

Wednesday | 8am | Edgewater
Short and sweet ladies group. We are busy women/moms who desire to dig into God's word with other sisters.

Val W. & Sue G.

Thursdays | 6:30pm | Northwest Reno
Ladies Group

Jacie P. & Sarah M.

Thursdays | 6:45pm | Northwest
A group of late 20s to 40s women, married and single, committed to fellowship with each other as we grow in our walks with Jesus. We gather in His name to pray and learn from God’s Word and each other. We also love a good game and dessert night!
Temporarily Closed due to size limitation.

Athy W. & Heather L.

Wednesdays | 6:15pm | Midtown
A multigenerational group wanting to grow in deeper relationship with Christ while finding friendship and community with each other.
Temporarily Closed due to size limitation.

Alicia H.

Thursdays | 7pm | Verdi
We’re a group of ladies in our late 20’s to late 30’s (mostly married and working moms) who enjoy connecting with other women and going deep. One night a month we dedicate to prayer and praying for one another.

Laurie P. & Riley H.

Fridays | 6am | Somersett
Young/middle aged women, most with young kids, navigating the Christian life in all areas of family, work and friendship. We have coffee!