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Podcasts to help you grow.
The Pactum
Fun discussions about various theological topics.

Reformed Baptist theological conversations.

Theology for the Church
In-depth doctrinal discussions with various theologians and scholars.

The Briefing
A daily analysis of news from Albert Mohler.

40 Minutes in the Old Testament
Exactly what the title says ;)

The Church Politics Podcast
Political commentary from a Christian worldview.

You're Not Crazy
Discussions about leadership in the church.

Doctrine and Devotion
Fun conversations about church life and theology from a Reformed Baptist perspective.



Your greatest growth won't take place in isolation but in community.

The resources below can help you be a thriving part of your local church.
Love Your Church
This book helps you see the beauty of belonging to your local church.
The Way of the Dragon or the Way of the Lamb
This book will help you spot and avoid the "way of the dragon" in your local church.
Life Together
This book explores genuine Christian community.
This book will help you be an others-focused Christian.