Leprosy and Dignity
This passage can only be felt with full force when read with the biblical background on the
various diseases called “leprosy” in mind. In Leviticus 13, we’re told that only appointed priests
could touch someone suffering this kind of disease, and that lepers were to live alone, outside
the community of God (see Lev. 13:45-46) until their disease was gone. The shock of this man
approaching Jesus shows both the man’s faith, and Jesus’ incredible compassion and authority.
We’re left amazed as we read on and learn that Jesus touches this man (who likely has not been
touched since being afflicted with the disease) and completely heals him with a command.
Jesus does not become unclean by His contact with this man; instead, the unclean man is
cleansed, and his dignity is restored. The utter shock of this moment is captured in the man’s reaction: despite being commanded to tell no one (something Jesus does in order to guard against letting others dictate the timing and message of His ministry), the man spreads the news, leading to an upswing in Jesus’ popularity.