If You Only Knew
we’re shown another realm over which Jesus has authority, the realm of divine human relationships. Through this scenario, more of Jesus’ identity, authority, and power come to
light, the role of faith in receiving forgiveness is shown, and the long conflict between God’s Son
and the power-hungry religious elite begins. Sin is the root problem for every person, and it is the fundamental reason we are naturally separated from God, because sin is always first, and primarily, against God. In offering forgiveness in response to the faith of these men, Jesus is proclaiming God’s grace and His own divine identity and authority. But this proclamation is immediately met with accusations of blasphemy - an offense worthy of the death penalty. Jesus shows His ability to inspect the human heart and mind and then decides to physically demonstrate His shocking claim. In essence, Jesus sets aside His preaching of the Word to physically demonstrate the truth of His teaching. With a simple command, a paralyzed man rises - his sins forgiven - and walks away, leaving a crowd standing in amazement.